
Groupers Delicacies

Groupers Delicacies

Groupers are highly prized food fish especially at seafood restaurants where they are often seen swimming in tanks. They are excellent eating fish which are found mostly in the tropics. The flesh is tender yet it has a bouncy texture that flakes nicely. Maybe the reason why they are known as “cod” in Australia. 

There are a few theories about where the name “Grouper” comes from. Some say that it is because the fish tends to “group” together. Others maintain that it is because the fish gropes around the nooks & crannies in the coral reefs looking for food. It is likely that the name grouper was derived from the Portugese “garoupa” which in turn might have given rise to the Malay name kerapu or was derived from it. No one really knows.

You will frequently find table sized groupers swimming in tanks in live seafood restaurants. The fish is usually steamed in order to fully appreciate its delicate texture. The larger sized Coral Groupers are very popular at fish head steamboat restaurants where you can order either fish head or sliced fish steamboat.  

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